
Kwetiau /Shahe fen

is a kind of white Tionghoa noodles made from rice. Can be fried or cooked with gravy. Shahefen is quite popular food in Indonesia, particularly in the areas of Jakarta and other places inhabited by people of many Sino.

Shahe fen is generally synonymous with ethnic Hokkien and Tiociu. In its spread in Indonesia, ethnic Hokkien and Tio ciu differ in presentation Shahe fen. Many ethnic Hokkien live in Sumatra Medan is famous for using Shahe fen baso fish, lapchiong (pork sausage), and duck eggs. While ethnic Tio ciu that many living in Borneo is famous for using Shahe fen Cattle and beef tripe offal like. In the development of new variants emerged, known as Flush Shahe fen.

This original appearance


fried Shahe fen

 fried kwetiau

  • 150 gr Shahe fen wet, brewed for a while.
  • 2 pieces of sausage, sliced side
  • 2 pairs of chicken liver, small slices
  • Baby kailan enough, cut into pieces
  • 1 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 5 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp sugar


  • 3 spring onions, finely sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 stalk spring onion, cut into pieces.

How to make:

  1. Red onion and saute until fragrant white.
  2. Enter chicken liver and sausage, cook until done.
  3. Enter the oyster sauce, scallions, salt, pepper and sugar and stir well.
  4. Enter baby kailan, stirring until wilted.
  5. Elsewhere, Shahe fen given soy sauce, mix well.
  6. Shahe fen enter into the pan. Stir until blended.
  7. Let stand briefly, then lift.
  8. Serve warm.
